Nobel Physics Laureate Mr. Alain Aspect is a cornerstone of modern-day physics. He risked his experimental career with his emblematic experimental work on quantum entanglement. Should that experiment have gone wrong, he would likely be remembered as a fraud.
He was right and with such accomplishment he became one of the high minds of Quantum information science. As all great science discoveries, it has both good and nefarious applications.
Sadly, today we are shedding light into some of the latter, as the situation is dire. For a long time, the IDF and the State of Israel have engaged in cyberwarfare. From spyware like pegasus targeting unsuspecting activists exposing war crimes online. People like us, sharing information of small villages, some of the size of professor Aspect’s own hometown, being wiped off the map by the IDF and settlers only to be replaced by luxury real estate, mining, fracking and oil projects.
Using AI, Habsora, to produce targets at a fast pace which led to indiscriminate attacks towards civilians, schools, hospitals, universities, refugee camps, resulting in the death of professor Aspect’s colleagues like Sufyan Tayeh, Tariq Thabet, Sirin Mohammed al-Attar, Ibrahim al-Astal; to allocating efforts into cracking encrypted messages from civilians from apps like Whatsapp or Signal within a matter of seconds.
A fascist, racist and theocratic state which suppresses some of its own population and forcibly sterilizes them, has from its conception and by admission of their high ranking officials sought to forcibly displace Palestinians and exterminate those who resist its power. Now that state can surveil entire populations.
That same state has awarded through one of their universities, Haifa, an honorary degree, to Mr. Aspect much like U. Minho is doing right now. Mr. Aspect’s name and contacts are listed on the Techion.
Mr. Aspect has lectured several times in Universities which the IDF and Mossad brag about, supposedly giving them a focus and a point to their science. Its’ propaganda machine congratulated itself on being so great, that Mr. Aspect was attracted to that country and that he “helped integrate Israeli Academia” into the European one.
Professor Aspect, in your Nobel prize interview, you mentioned you were attracted to science in the post-war period. That the idea of progress drew you in. We are aware that the Propaganda claims that the Palestinian land had “no people”, that it was deserted like Jules Verne’s book.
To someone less knowledgeable and more susceptible to the rampant propaganda that preys on your deep Catholic faith, you might have seen the Zionist State as those scientists “developing civilization” and as their “biblical right”, even when the right of return is also applied to converts, like so many former South African settlers.
We are aware that you also chose teaching to engaging in direct combat activity whilst you were in French Cameroon. You witnessed their will for self determination, like so many colonised people. To some extent, the self determination you had when you were alone and put your career at risk.
Please, professor Aspect, take a stand while your Palestinian colleagues are being wiped out.
While young minds whose Universities and schools were bombed have had their school year cancelled, are being displaced or killed by Zionist indiscriminate attacks.
While the pontifex calls a starving Parish in Gaza with 600 hundred people and denounces a Genocide and bombings of churches by Israel, one of them the third-oldest church in the world.
While the bombings, Israel’s own sewage and suppression of Palestinian sanitation pollute and rob multiple populations of the waters of the river where Jesus Christ was baptised.
BRAGA, 27 MAY, 2024